Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Decorations centerpieces with flowers and accessories for your wedding

If you are planning your wedding will surely choose the details of decoration is just one of the decisions you have to make. We present some ideas for decorating centerpieces with natural flowers and accessories.

Most couples choose fresh flowers to decorate the reception site wedding because they have charm and freshness. However, adding some accessories to the tables give more elegance and distinction to the banquet, all about attention to detail to get lovely effects.

Centro high table with white flowers and bottles - Photo Simone and Martin Photography

Centerpiece with white flowers and glass beads - Photo Denise Nicole
Some items such as glasses, bottles and candles are perfect for illuminating a wedding night or for a touch of glamor to a reception in the day.

Centers high table with white flowers for wedding - Jessica Claire

Some trends 2014 wedding decoration pass through the color scheme and the commitment to customizing the details of marriage. However, the white and pastel shades remain classic and elegant: combining these colors with flowers in containers and various accessories is an original idea that can be implemented in all kinds of ceremonies.

Centerpieces with white flowers in ceramic jars - Photo Etsy

The centerpieces can be high or low, and to combine the natural flowers with accessories can achieve a vintage touch or an edgier style. The clarity of transparent crystals is perfect to complement them with colored stones, branches in earth tones or other flowers of different colors.

Centerpieces with flowers and details in transparent glass - Jenna McKenzie

Centerpieces with white flowers and pink pastel - Photo Nancy Neil
For an evening wedding, centerpieces with flowers can be combined with hanging crystals or candles. You can opt for original designs and create a dynamic environment combining low containers high and some baskets of flowers.Let your imagination to get the perfect style that speaks to you and your partner!

Centerpieces with white roses in glass jarroncitos - Photo Curtis Dahl Photography
Remember that you can also combine colors in your wedding, although it is advisable to choose a single dominant tone to avoid overloading. Would you like bright decor wedding? Or an original combination of yellow and violet? There are many options, and if you need support or advice in our directory you can find the best suppliers in decoration for weddings in Colombia; but if you're a bride who loves DIY can also make yourself centos table with natural flowers.

What do you think of this idea? You like to decorate your wedding tables with flowers and accessories? These ideas also harmonize with trends in bridal bouquets 2014, it sure will look great on your big day. Leave your comments and ideas below or on our wedding forum Help other boyfriends to have the marriage of your dreams.

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